Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Super Mario Coffee Table

One would think that this is a video game tribute site. But who doesn't love Mario Bros. they had the sexiest mustaches in the history of time. I think that's why Snake in Metal Gear got himself a mustache, to be part of the cool kids club.

I found a table on the sidewalk, took it home and inspiration took shape in the form of Super Mario Bros 3. The first thing to do was to take the video game cover and turn it into a mosaic in photoshop for reference. The image was done in the size of the table top.

The next step was to get supplies, cork board, push pins, paint and vinyl plumbing pipes. This ended up costing a lot more money than I planned for, because I kept running out of push pins.

I cut the cork board to fit the inside of the table and began putting the push pins down following the pattern of the file i created in photoshop. My girlfriend helped me with the push pins because it became really painful after a while. The next step was putting the pipes on the legs of the table. This required some trimming and sanding of the width of the legs in order for the pipes to fit.

The next step was to paint the table including the pipes. The legs were painted dark green to look like the stalks and the corners were painted to look like the pyranha plants

The last steps were glueing down the cork board to the table and placing a piece of Plexiglass over the push pins. I was very satisfied with how it turned out even though I had even more ambitious plans for it.


  1. Didn't we watch like two seasons of Scrubs putting this mosaic together? Good times. My thumbs are still sore.

  2. Hey. Very nice job.
    small question, how do you turn an image/drawing into mosaic in photoshop ? I've been trying for a while without getting any decent results. Thanks !

  3. @Anonymous
    under Filter menu, Pixelate, Mosaic and I set it at 8. thank you for the kind words.

  4. This is sooooo awesome! Favorite game ever!!

  5. You're very clever and creative! Love this table!

  6. Dude. Mad props! Great game choice as well - no. 3 is definitely one of my favorites.

  7. @Nina*, M and D Dubs, thanks for the nice comments. I would have replied quicker but I was on vacation.

  8. Wow! What an amazing piece of art! :)

  9. Excellent! I love them, really. Never thought that a piece of Download Games can be an amazing art. Really nice!

  10. bet you get bored with this pretty easily.

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